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Extravagant Generosity

“Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce.”  Proverbs 3:9


At Park Church, we practice EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY.


What does this mean?

It means:


We believe that all we have has been entrusted to us by God


We believe that we must use what God has given us responsibly and productively, in service to others


We believe that the practice of tithing deepens our trust in God’s great goodness and provision

Scripture is full of examples and teachings that focus upon possessions, wealth, giving, gifts, generosity, charity, sacrifice and sharing with those in need.  At Park Church, we believe that giving is central to the Christian life because we believe God is first extravagantly generous to us, and supremely so through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord.


At Park Church we offer not just our time and abilities in the service of God, but also our financial blessings.   We do so out of gratitude and in the sincere desire to make a positive difference in the world.   Many Park member tithe—or set aside--a percentage of their yearly income ( between 5-10%) to give back to God.  Others regularly dedicate their time and talents to assist the mission and ministry of Park Church.   The practice of tithing--in whatever form it takes—teaches us to spend wisely,  to save  consistently, and to give generously.


Elders Ginny Flick and Rich Reed graciously steer our Finance Commission, here at Park.   They are both amazed at the generosity of so many!   


To learn more about their on-going work-- and about opportunities to financially support the mission and ministries of Park Church , please click here:


To connect with Ginny through the Church Office, please click here:

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